Mr. Hassan Mohammed Buhazza President, Arab Voluntary Union
Good Word Society
Kingdom of Bahrain
Good Word Society
Kingdom of Bahrain

Dr. Khaled Hamoud Al-AzabVice President
Attanweer Development Foundation
Republic of Yemen
Attanweer Development Foundation
Republic of Yemen

Mr. Anwar Saleh BuhassanSecretary General
Kingdom of Bahrain
Kingdom of Bahrain

Mr. Tabouche BoualamMember of the Board of Directors
Society of the Citizen Volunteer Youth
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Society of the Citizen Volunteer Youth
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Mr. Anas Mohammed AzharMember of the Board of Directors
Muthabiroun Foundation for Good and Volunteer Work Republic of Iraq
Republic of Iraq
Muthabiroun Foundation for Good and Volunteer Work Republic of Iraq
Republic of Iraq

Mr. Omar Abdel Fattah HassanMember of the Board of Directors
Sanhiya Karaman Society
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Sanhiya Karaman Society
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Ms. Karina An-NaqqashMember of the Board of Directors
Youth Society for National Development
Lebanese Republic
Youth Society for National Development
Lebanese Republic

Mr. Nabil BelhajMember of the Board of Directors
Tunisian Society for Recreation, Social Work, and Volunteering
Republic of Tunisia
Tunisian Society for Recreation, Social Work, and Volunteering
Republic of Tunisia